Agent Transfer Office Form Fields marked with an * are required. Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox. Ok First Name * Last Name * Email If applicable, enter a new email address. Current Firm Affiliation * New Firm Affiliation * Date Broker Affiliation Form Submitted to NCREC * Copy of Broker Affiliation Form * Please upload a copy of the License Activation and Broker Affiliation form that was sent to the North Carolina Real Estate Commission to affiliate your license with the new firm.If form is not available, you may upload a screenshot of email confirmation from NCREC. Otherwise, transfer will be delayed until NCREC website is updated to reflect license transfer. 20MB max Agreement of Transfer Terms * AAAR does not transfer listings between firms. In NC, listings belong to the firm; therefore, when an agent transfers to a new firm, any active or under contract listings will be transferred to the BIC's inventory. If the seller and firm agree to terminate the listings, agent must re-enter as new listings with the new firm. Upon transfer to new firm, agent agrees to continue to abide by the NCRMLS Rules and Regulations. A $100 fee will be assessed to transfer agent to the new firm.Lockboxes are assigned to the firm, not to the individual agents. Therefore, upon transfer to a new firm, the agent should return all lockboxes to the firm to which they were originally issued. Enter required value Yes, I agree Powered By GrowthZone