Request to Discontinue Services Fields marked with an * are required. Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox. Ok Page 1/2 First Name * Last Name * Organization * Please choose the services you wish to discontinue: * Choose all that apply. Admin/ Personal Assistant Cooperating Key Data Feed MLS Subscription AAAR REALTOR®️ Membership Firm Membership with AAAR Supra eKey App Effective Date of Change * Page 2/2 REALTOR Membership Confirmation Copy of submission to the NC Real Estate Commission OR Subscription Waiver To drop your MLS Access with AAARUpload documentation of inactive North Carolina real estate license: Confirmation of submission of Request to Place License on Inactive Status formConfirmation of submission of Request to Remove Licensee from Broker Supervision formConfirmation of submission of Request to Terminate Your Affiliation with a Firm or Sole Proprietorship formScreenshot of NC Real Estate Commission showing license is no longer active or unaffiliated from current firmTo drop your NCRMLS subscription (and remain affiliated with a firm that has access to NCRMLS)An MLS subscription waiver may be granted to an agent who is affiliated with a participant firm in the AAAR MLS if the agent has access to another MLS. The agent and broker-in-charge must certify that agent will not have access to, or benefit from, the AAAR MLS. Non-compliance with the subscription waiver will subject the Participant (firm) to a $500 fine. You can download a copy here: MLS Subscription WaiverIf you are eligible, upload a copy of your signed MLS Subscription Waiver. 20MB max Powered By GrowthZone